Panhandle Produce Pointers
Panhandle Produce Pointers' information provides consumers and producers with a variety of resources for growing and selling produce.
Produce Pointers Sheets
Recipes, nutrition information, and fun facts about local produce. Click a vegetable or fruit and download the .pdf file for more information.
Use the marketing checklist as a starting point to identify the steps needed to have success in the farmer's market venue:
Farmer's Market Checklist

Requirements and recommendations for entering the Farm to School Market:
Farm To School Checklist
Requirements and recommendations for entering the Wholesale and/or Distributors Market:
Wholesale Checklist

Requirements and recommendations for participating in the WIC Farmer's Market Nutrition Program:
WIC Checklist

Requirements and recommendations for starting a roadside stand:
Roadside Stands Checklist

Requirements and recommendations for entering the restaurant venue:
Restaurant Checklist