Caitlin Turnbull

Lab and Field Technician

Caitlin Turnbull works as field and lab technician for the Watershed Management Lab. She is currently working on projects to examine how nature-based projects can improve community sustainability.

Lauren Williams

UF Master's student since 2020

Lauren is a Master's student in the Watershed Management Lab. Her interests are in spatial analysis and geomorphic processes, especially in coastal rivers and floodplains.

Love Kumar

UF PhD student since 2020

Love Kumar is studying the hydrology and chemistry of sloughs along the Lower Apalachicola River. His project is part of a collaboration with Apalachicola Riverkeeper and other universities in the region.

Barbara Cory

UF Master's student since 2020

Barbara is studying how woody encroachment has affected water quality in streams and groundwater in watersheds upstream of coatal dune lakes along Florida's Gulf Coast, through extensive collection field measurements and water samples, operation of analytical chemistry instrumentation, and thorough statistical analysis.

Tesfay Gebremicael

UF Postdoc since 2020

Tesfay is a Postdoc in the Watershed Management Lab, where he applies his extensive modeling and analytical skills to examine how watershed characteristics influence water quality and hydrology of streams and estuaries in Florida's Gulf Coast.

woman standing in creek

Traci Goodhart (lab alum)

Traci completed her Master’s Degree in Spring 2019. While completing her research project in the Watershed Management Lab, Traci studied nutrient loads and hydrologic dynamics in the Carpenter’s Creek watershed in Pensacola, Florida. Her research found that more urban sites had higher chemical loads than those that were not as heavily urbanized.

Traci works for the city of Destin as an Environmental Planner.